Birthday Cake Vape Wild E-Liquid 60ML

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Birthday Cake Vape Wild E-Liquid 60ML in Pakistan

Hyderabad Vapers is offering Birthday Cake Vape Wild E-Liquid 60ML that treat that many of us love and always look for when we go to an event. If someone were considering hosting a celebration, why wouldn’t they have any cake to distribute? Anyways, the name of this e liquid is Birthday Cake and it is going to give you the nostalgic feeling of the first time you helped yourself to some because it was on your birthday. It was the day where the attention was only focused on your because everyone was joyful that you were born. It was also the time that you literally had no care in the world because bills were a big people problem. When you take the first pull of this amazing e liquid, you are going to taste the wonderful cake making its way in. You are going to feel the soft cake roaming around your mouth so that you capture all of its hints. As the cake sinks into your taste buds so that they can get all the incredible savory notes that this blend has to offer, you begin to taste the icing. The icing is going to make this whole experience even creamier than you expected.

However, you did know you were going to taste some because a birthday cake is nothing without some icing to make it sugary and worth trying. This piece of cake that you are helping yourself to is going to be so smooth and you will eventually feel it sneak its way down your throat. Well, it thinks it is sneaking, but you know the tricks that it is up to. The throat hit is going to be gentle and not too intense, but it is still going to be one that makes the flavors more potent. When you think you have to exhale, it is really because you want to blow the candles out. Clearly, you have made your wish and it has come true. You do not even have to tell us what it was because it was that you want your cloudy friends to put on the cloud show that is going to be unique and memorable. Your wish is their command.


Primary Flavors: Cake, Vanilla, Icing


PG/VG: 35/65

Nicotine level



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